Why choose MEAN Stack Development for your next project?
Everyone desires successful results in a single try. Similarly- if you want to build an application, you have to make sure that you do it right the first time. It may not be possible for everyone, but you sure can try your hardest. For that, you need your application to have a robust backend created with a set of tools that allow the reduction of development time and streamlining of resources.
Lately, many developers use a combination of technologies to get better and faster results for mobile and web app development. One such technology is the MEAN stack development.
What is MEAN Stack Development?
MEAN stack development comprises of a compendium of Javascript-based technologies used for web application development. It is an acronym for M-MongoDB as a database system, E-ExpressJS as a backend web framework, A-AngularJS as a front-end framework, N-NodeJS as a backend runtime environment. From client to database to server MEAN is a full-stack JavaScript.
Each Component of MEAN Stack- what they are and what do they contribute?
MongoDB is the document database that is used by backend applications to store the data as JavaScript Object Notation JSON documents. Thus the role of MongoDB in MEAN is to store the application’s data. As both the database and application use JavaScript the need for translation is negated when the object goes from application to database or the other way around.
MongoDB is popular for its scalability in storage as well as in performance. It also allows you to add fields in the database without reloading the entire table. MongoDB is cost-effective and can be used to move the client and server-side data.
Express.JS is a backend web application framework that has a considerably lightweight server. It aids the development process by making use of Node.JS and assists the APIs while developing the needed web applications. Express.JS further merges with Node.JS as the development process gets more straightforward.
Express.JS enables speed, facilitates secure applications and manages the interaction between the front-end and database. It is also noteworthy that with Express.JS you cannot accidentally redefine a variable because it prevents overwriting them- saving you a great deal of time and money.
Angular is one of the most popular web frameworks in use today. In fact, it has become the default choice as a front-end JavaScript framework. It is built and maintained by Google. In MEAN Stack, Angular.JS server is utilized to develop single-page dynamic web apps quickly. Angular JS is an ideal front-end framework largely due to its easy to use templates and superior performance. Plus, you can develop the app simultaneously on both desktop and mobile with Angular.
Node.js is a well-known cross-platform runtime environment used for building highly scalable server-side web applications. This JavaScript runtime built is used for creating server-side JS applications in a hassle-free manner. This framework offers a loaded library of a variety of JavaScript modules to simplify web development method. It is the best way to provide web application scripts an improved integration with the webserver. In MEAN Stack Node.JS acts as the backbone where Express.JS essentially works on top of Node.JS. Moreover, Angular.JS connects with Node.JS seamlessly and therefore this facilitates swift data serving.
Node.JS best selling point, though is its scalability and it can support million concurrent connections.
What are the characteristics of MEAN Stack Development?
The key features of MEAN Stack Development are -
Developing apps/websites that run on a single language such as JavaScript is relatively much easier and faster for development.
MEAN Stack works on JavaScript, which is the most used programming language around the world. Thus, as expected it also comes with the advantage of one of the most active developer communities- making finding solutions easier and accessible for all parties.
Due to the overall adaptability of MEAN Stack’s programming language, i.e. JavaScript- MEAN Sack is extremely compliant for a broad range of web applications.
Read on to find What are the benefits of MEAN Stack Development? - Originally published at https://www.intelegain.com.