Beware of COVID-19 phishing scams: How to detect and protect yourself from corona virus fraudsters
Malicious fraudsters playing on people’s fear is not a new thing. The world has seen a surge in COVID-19 themed social media posts and email campaigns pop up since Feb 2020. Here are incidences of phishing attacks and malware you should lookout -
Selling Coronavirus Home Testing Services
No government entity or private companies are selling home testing services (free or otherwise) for COVID-19 as of now. Fraudsters impersonate well-known NGOs and other humanitarian organizations offering free COVID-19 home tests, gaining personal information- they charge their victims for fake tests or rob their victim’s homes upon gaining entry.
Bogus WHO impersonators sending phishing emails containing information-stealing virus
If the emails sound too good to be true, like for e.g. ‘COVID-19 prevention and treatment information from Department of Health- how to get vaccine free’ or demands urgency like -’COVID-19 ventilators delivery blocked. Urgent action required to continue shipping’- it’s probably phishing emails. The latter is specifically targeted towards healthcare officials. Such emails contain documents attached which contain information stealing virus. Running such software attachments loads viruses like the Hawkeye- a keylogger that can steal credentials, intercept keystrokes, take screenshots of sensitive information and exfiltrate stolen data.
Scams involving reservation of vaccines or offering funds for economic relief
There are hoax calls and emails from health department impersonators providing coronavirus vaccine reservations and asking for credit card information. Currently, there is no vaccine for COVID-19 and no such offer is provided by any entity.